If your Maltese chooses one particular spot to mark, it can help use the area for something related to the dog such as a new play area. If so, you'll want to move his toy box and other favorite belongs there.
Alternatively, you may block access to that area if possible. Do keep in mind that if other steps are not taken, a puppy or dog may choose another target.
6) Stop the dog in the act
When you are home with your Maltese, keep him tethered to you via harness and leash so that you can keep a close eye on early warning signals. Some dogs will circle before marking; though others will simply approach an area and lift the leg (may be seen with females as well as males).
Clapping loudly, shaking a can (put loose coins in a metal jar), or using a behavioral device that sends out a short hissing noise like the
The Company of Animals Pet Corrector

are good methods to cause a dog to pause and curtail the behavior.
While the act of marking is not done to empty the bladder, it can be helpful to then bring your Maltese outside to the designated bathroom area. If any urine is released outside, be sure to offer praise and reward, even if you had to carry your Maltese outside to finish and even if he dribbled on the way there.