#1. Use a canine playpen.
There are several important reasons why most toy dogs with separation anxiety do best when within an appropriately sized pen.
1. Having free reign often makes things worse.
A tiny dog roaming inside a big house usually has increased feelings of isolation. And with a toy breed dog as small as the Maltese, even a gated off room is often too large.
2. Crates are too small.
Tiny pet crates are just as bad, but in the opposite way. These are terribly confining, and often increase a dog's stress level. They can be both physically and emotionally upsetting.
3. Pens create the pleasant feeling of having a 'den'.
All dogs, no matter the breed, are ruled by canine instinct. One of those very strong instincts is to seek what a 'den' offers. To a puppy or dog, a 'den' immediately signals safety and security.
4. A good-sized pen keeps all of your Maltese's necessities in one spot.
And this is key, since those items (which we will cover next) work to keep him calm and happy, and help erase feelings of loneliness. If a Maltese has a whole room to himself, those items can end up too far away from him for them to do their job.
You may be wondering about using gates to block off a section of a room; if you can do this while keeping roughly the same dimensions that a pen would provide this is another option for you.
For this, the
IRIS 24'' 4-Panel Pet Playpen with Door

work very well for most Maltese. This offers 8 square feet, is made of durable heavy-duty plastic, and has a door for easy in and out and one that can be kept open at times that you are there to supervise. There is also a larger 34" high option that offers 21 square feet that would be appropriate for larger Maltese that have proven themselves to be jumpers.