If your Maltese has a damaged coat (split ends, very dry hair) or is dealing with skin issues (excessively dry skin, itching, hot spots, irritations) this restorative leave-in can work to repair the hairs by infusing strands with moisture and soothing the skin with healing ingredients. And, this provides round-the-clock treatment with a patented formula that
releases moisturizing emollients every 2 hours for a 24 hour period.
There are two different formulas, Guava and Mangosteen (recommended) and Pomegranate and Acai (which is good, but not as hydrating). Use your hands to massage this into your Maltese's coat (you can get the belly too). Afterward, you can brush the coat as you normally do. This can be used every day and it will not cause the coat to appear oily (just don't go overboard with the application).
If your two main goals are to prevent tangles and help the coat repel dirt and debris, The Stuff is the stuff that you want to use. This is amazing in both regards and has a light apple scent.
If your main goal is to protect your Maltese from UV rays in the summer, and this is certainly a top concern for this breed, this is a fantastic choice. It also works excellent as a detangler, helps fortify hairs to keep them strong and healthy, and works rather well as a dirt repellent. This does not have a noticeable scent.
If your main goal is to keep your Maltese smelling delightful, nothing beats Nootie. This line of leave-in products has amazing fragrances including warm vanilla cookie, cucumber melon, Japanese cherry blossom, and coconut lime verbena. It is also very gentle on the skin and works moderately well as tangle-prevention spray.
Specialized Shampoos & Topical Treatments
You may want to use specialized shampoos and/or topical sprays if your Maltese is suffering from certain skin issues. It's always best to seek the advice of the veterinarian if you are not sure of the diagnosis since some conditions may require prescription shampoos or topical creams or gels.
This said, there are some over-the-counter products that can treat common problems like rashes or hot spots due to allergies or unknown irritants and offer relief from moderate to intense itching.
Anti-itch shampoo; all-natural:
This is generally used for dogs suffering from allergies. And, while this is just one step in the treatment process (it's important to work on reducing or eliminating the triggers), soaking a dog's entire body in a soothing shampoo can be a great way to reach all of the crevices that are tender and offer full-body relief.
There are quite a few natural ingredients that work to reduce itching and inflammation including shea butter, honeysuckle, aloe vera, colloidal oatmeal, nutmeg, neem oil, and argan oil.
While baths should be given once every 3 weeks under normal circumstances, allergy shampoo can be used more often, usually once a week, until issues are resolved.
This is a pretty incredible shampoo that contains a wonderful blend of restorative, moisturizing, anti-itch and healing ingredients. The #1 ingredient is bentonite clay which works exceptionally well in pulling toxins out of the skin, so it will treat fungal infections, allergic reactions, and a wide range of skin irritations. There is also organic shea butter, aloe vera, neem and argan oil, nutmeg, and rosemary. This is 100% all-natural with zero sulfates, preservatives, or chemicals.
Anti-itch spray; all-natural:
A spray is a good idea if your Maltese has chronic issues; it allows you to target certain areas and offer round-the-clock relief. This is also a good choice if skin is very sensitive to touch since it won't cause any discomfort as it does not need to be massaged in. Popular topical non-medicated spray ingredients include oatmeal, aloe vera, vitamin E, and baking soda.
This is a great spray to help with itching and works with a blend of two of the most effective all-natural anti-itch ingredients: oatmeal and baking soda for very fast relief. And, since this is non-medicated, it can be applied quite often, as much as every couple of hours. Note that while you won't want your Maltese lapping this up, it is non-toxic.
Anti-itch spray; medicated:
In some instances, itching is so severe and skin is so tender and painful that a medicated treatment is needed. Thankfully, there are some over-the-counter medicated sprays that work exceptionally well. One ingredient to look for is hydrocortisone which can bring immediate itch relief and works very well for localized inflammation. And, another helpful ingredient is lidocaine which is a topical numbing agent.
Do note that with this sort of product, a dog must be prevented from licking it off since these medications should not be ingested, so you'll need to place a protection cone collar on your Maltese or otherwise restrict licking (like placing socks over paws, etc.).
This has both the aforementioned hydrocortisone and lidocaine, as well as allantonin which is a plant-based moisturizer. This is usually used for severe cases of allergies that affect the skin but can also be used for insect bites and other acute irritations. Note that this is approved for use on dogs 12 weeks and older, so should not be used on puppies 3 months and younger.